19 Feb 2009

Watch it!

Lately, I have been thinking what could my favorite TV series be. I have no doubt that it is 24, but I love One Tree Hill as much as I love 24. However, these days I'm watching 24 season 07, One Tree Hill season 06 and also, The O.C. Yeah, I started watching it from the beginning and I quite like it. I guess I did not have time to watch this earlier and I have so many things to catch up, in terms of TV series. Specially I don't like Heroes, Lost and Smallville but who knows, after sometime I will start watching them too. But what next in my list is this 90210, The world's most famous ZIP code. Some of my flatmates are loving it.
I'm not a critic or a movie reviewer or someone like that, or not even someone having that capabilities. But according to what I feel, 24 and One Tree Hill are two distinct series when compared to all the others. 24 carries a lot of actions and curiosity in each and every minute and you don't feel like missing even a single second. Each series has different plot but few leading characters continue their life story throughout each season. So far there are 7 seasons, season 7 being the latest.

One Tree Hill on the other hand started as a story based around two college basketball players who also happened to be brothers fighting for their own identities. The story continues throughout 6 seasons so far. What I like about this story and how it differs from others is that it tells a story about challenges, difficulties, victories, and all sorts of events happening in our lives. The story also puts a great emphasis on reflecting relationships, feelings and thoughts of each characters which I find very refreshing. Another major focal point is background music and sound tracks. You must watch it otherwise I doubt if I can tell you how touching they are.

May be I'm wrong about other TV series, since I haven't watched them. But even though, 24 and One Tree Hill will remain as my all time favorites. I wish they will never end, especially the later.

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